Inviting people

CoachingCloud helps you to work with two categories of client in your community:

  • Clients who have a One-to-One connection with you
  • Clients who only have access to your online programmes (and no connection with you)

There are two different ways to invite clients, if you want to form a One-to-One connection it is much smoother for them if you invite them from the One-to-One coaching area and NOT the community programme management area!

One-to-One clients

When you invite your clients from the One-to-One area in the front end of CoachingCloud, you are inviting them to share a One-to-One connection with you within your community. This would be used for your coaching and mentoring clients who are having sessions with you.

  1. From the front end go to One-to-One and click on the Add Contact button.
  2. Enter the contact details for your client, if you want to invite several at once just click on the Add another link under the contact details.
  3. Click on Send invitation and that's it.

Your client will receive an invitation email with the branding and wording you configured earlier, and a link to join your community. When they follow this link they will be taken to your community registration page to finalise some details. Once they have completed this step they will be a member of your community and share a One-to-One connection with you. You don't need to wait for them to complete this step before you can book One-to-One sessions, but once they have joined you can start interacting with them to this private space for the two of you.

Inviting One-to-One clients to a specific programme
By default all One-to-One connections are added to the programme called New members. If you would like to invite clients to share a One-to-One connection with you and into a specific programme then you can configure this for each of the programmes you wish. See the ‘Programme Settings’ video on how to set this up. Once you have set your programmes up to enable you to invite people directly to them, the video below takes you through the invitation process.

Community members only

When you invite clients from the community builder programmes area the invitation is for the client to only join your community and not form a One-to-One connection with you. This method is typically used when you wish to provide access to online content for clients to work through on their own.

  1. From the front end homepage, click on Manage community to navigate to the community management area.
  2. On the main navigation top-bar click on Users to see the list of programmes in your community.
  3. Click on the programme name you wish to invite your client to. You will see the Manage users area that shows a list of current members of this programme.
  4. Click on the + Invite button and enter the contact details for the client.
  5. Select a Role for this user, normally you will be inviting clients, if you want to invite other coaches or mentors you can.

You can serve a large number of clients this way and when the client is ready to take One-to-One coaching from you (potentially at a higher fee) then a connection between you can be formed at this time.