Using markdown

Markdown uses a very simple formatting syntax to accomplish the same thing that HTML or Rich Text Formatting does. The difference is that it's simpler than HTML and you don't have to worry about opening and closing tags.

CoachingCloud supports markdown in the MindLab area giving you more control over the page. We ask you to remember that CoachingCloud is responsive - meaning that it works on mobile devices as well as any browser width. With this in mind you should not use any fixed size objects within your markdown and test it on your mobile device.

There are many fee markdown editors available both for download and to use online. We like the online editor StackEdit. Ceate your content with the editor adding your markdown formatting then cut and paste the markdown code back into your module. There is also a new professional markdown editor called Classeur.

Additional headings

# h1 Heading
## h2 Heading
### h3 Heading
#### h4 Heading
##### h5 Heading
###### h6 Heading

Horizontal Rules

Use 3 stars to add a horizontal rule ***


For emphasizing text with a heavier font-weight.

For example : This is bold text and is simple to add.
This is **bold text** and is simple to add.


For example : This is italic text and is simple to add.
This is *italic text* and is simple to add.


For quoting or highlighting blocks of content within your page.

Add > before any text you want to quote.

> We help the shapers and advisors, the guides and the helpers, the mentors and masters, the coaches and supporters of excellence in all fields to develop their clients’ fullest capabilities.

We help the shapers and advisors, the guides and the helpers, the mentors and masters, the coaches and supporters of excellence in all fields to develop their clients’ fullest capabilities.


You can use a * or - to make a bullet point list.

* Point one
* Point two
* Point three

  • Point one
  • Point two
  • Point three

Add numbers to make a numbered list.

1. Point one
2. Point two
3. Point three

  1. Point one
  2. Point two
  3. Point three


| State | Description |
| ------ | ----------- |
| Meditation   | Mindfulness meditation is practiced sitting with eyes closed. |
| Breath | Attention is put on the movement of the abdomen when breathing in and out. |
| Distraction    | If one becomes distracted return your focusing to breathing. |
State Description
Meditation Mindfulness meditation is practiced sitting with eyes closed.
Breath Attention is put on the movement of the abdomen when breathing in and out.
Distraction If one becomes distracted return your focusing to breathing.

Links to other sites



Links in markdown always open in the current window and not in a new window (you can test this with the link above). We don't recommend using links in your MindLab modules as it is not the best in suer experience.