
CoachingCloud is a platform that gives you a rich set of features and tools to configure to match your needs and those of your clients. We have made it simple for you to get started by following the steps in this Getting Started section. To use our advanced features there is a little more setup and configuration which you will find help with later on in this guide. If you'd like One-to-One coaching support to help you get started quickly, see our Kickstart service.

There are two ways to invite people to CoachingCloud:

Community members

These are people who you invite from your community management area. When you invite people in this way they will become members without any One-to-One connections, they can connect to a coach or mentor later. They have access to your online resources and content but do not necessarily have a coach or mentor.

One-to-One connections

These are people who you invite from the One-to-One area in your community so they have a One-to-One connection with a coach or mentor. When you invite people in this way they will receive an invitation to join your community and when they accept they will have a One-to-One connecton with you (or their coach/mentor).

If you are inviting clients that you are coaching/mentoring, we recommend that you invite them from the One-to-One area and NOT the Community management area, it is the simplest way for clients to join your community.